
Why People Go Crazy over Pu-Erh Tea

Pu-Erh tea has been highly valued in China and in regions around the world for generations. It is only produced in the Yunnan province of southwestern China, and in that country it is an important part of the culture. As the tea becomes more widely recognized in the United States, many more are falling in love with Pu-Erh. What is it about Pu-Erh that makes people go crazy for it?

Not only is the tea prized because it is grown and produced according to a rigorous process, similar to fine wines, it is attracting new drinkers due to the benefits it has on a person’s health. According to an article by Will Block for Life Enhancement Magazine, despite the fact that the tea has been consumed for millennia, it was only as recently as 2003 that researchers in China discovered that Pu-Erh contains lovasatatin, “one of the most effective cholesterol-lowering agents there is.”

Pu-Erh tea has also been credited with helping people with weight loss, eliminating toxins, and regulating blood sugar. Unlike other types of tea, which are consumed fairly soon after they are packaged, Pu-Erh gets more complex and deeper as it ages. It is common to find Pu-Erh that has been aged for years or even decades. Pu-Erh can sell for thousands of dollars, depending on its age and various characteristics, but luckily high-quality varieties of the tea are becoming more available in the U.S. Learn more about the benefits of drinking Pu-Erh and how to place your order by contacting a Tea Vue representative at (888) 908-8717.

